some prostate cancer patients finished 3D Prostate Targeted Treatment,they wrote the following
testimonials. We do not edit or change any of the contents. This
website respects science and fact. We can guarantee the facticity of
all the information on our website, no false information is provided
on our website.
authors wish us post these testimonials on our website exactly as
below and do not include their contact information unless someone
specifically asks for it. You can get contact information for some
authors from the clinic. If this does not convince the reader,
contacting them will not.
John Kennedy from USA
Video Link:
My name is John Kennedy, Ph.D., I am a patient of Dr. Song, and this
is my six-month update after receiving cancer and BPH treatment from
Dr. Song. My recovery is going “very” well. My prostate is now
cancer free, and my genitourinary functions (urine flow, erection,
ejaculation, and semen volume) and bowel movements are returning to
normal. The cancer lesion and BPH nodules are undetectable per my
6-month follow-up MRI of 07-01-2017. The six-month test results are
very good. There is no indication of cancer, BPH, calcification or
infection, and my prostate volume is normal. I expect I will
continue to make a full recovery.
To sum up my prostate test results, my 1st MRI of 09-10-2016, before
treatment, detected a BPH nodule 15 X 11 X 14mm in the peripheral
area to the left side. And, a bleeding cancerous lesion 16 X 10mm
near the center right. The cancerous lesion was infected with
Enterococcus faecalis bacteria. Microscopic examination of expressed
prostate fluid (EPS) indicated cancer cells and damaged prostate
tissue. After initial testing, we began treatment. During treatment,
large amounts of cancer cells and damaged tissue were detected in my
EPS. My semen/prostate fluid color turned brown, which indicated the
breakup of the infected lesion, nodules, and release of toxins.
After five weeks of cancer and BPH treatment, my 2nd and 3rd MRIs
showed no cancerous lesions or BPH nodules. Specifically, my 2nd MRI
report states "when compared to the MRI report done on Sept. 10,
2016, bleeding lesion on the right peripheral area has been
basically absorbed or disappeared." There were still toxins inside
the prostate as seen in the microscopic examination of the prostate
fluid. My semen was dark brown. The dark color was caused by years
of bacteria, old blood, and toxins held inside the bleeding cancer
lesion. These toxins were released when the lesion was broken up and
cancer killed. I continued to receive another week of cancer/BPH
treatment for a totally of 6 weeks to ensure the cancer was killed,
and the BPH and toxins cleared.
My 4th MRI report six months after receiving treatment indicated no
cancerous lesion, no BPH nodules, and no relapse. My semen and
prostate fluid showed no signs of infection with color returning to
normal. Symptom wise, my urination, erection, ejaculation, semen
volume, and bowel movements continue to improve. I can feel the
cancerous lesion and BPH are gone. Dr. Song thinks there are no
active cancer cells. My PSA before treatment was increasing,
reaching a high of 46. Six months after treatment it has not
increased beyond this point, and we are expecting a slow decline.
Research indicates, when the prostate remains intact, PSA can take
several months to a year to return to normal levels. This may be a
result of the prostate tissue repairing itself, a protective role
the PSA plays during tissue regrowth, and unbalanced hormones. I am
monitoring my Total PSA and Free PSA values. I expect the PSA to
drop as the prostate continues to recover.
My endocrine system is still somewhat out of balance, but moving
toward a normal state. Before treatment, my hormones were
significantly out of balance. Dr. Song believes, as it relates to
prostate issues, hormones become out of balance as a result of
infection, PBH, and cancer (unhealthy body condition), which can
promote cancer cell growth. Thus, I believe it is important to
rebalance my hormones after my treatment. Dr. Song has been working
with me to improve my endocrine system with Traditional Chinese
Medicine. A process which takes more time, but I think is safe and
I am very happy with Dr. Song’s prostate cancer, BPH, and infection
treatment. I think this treatment is the best in the world. This
cancer treatment is without radiation or chemotherapy drugs. My
prostate remains fully intact, functional, and my health continues
to improve. I will continue to monitor my prostate, PSA, and
endocrine system. I expect my PSA to drop and hormones to return to
normal healthy levels. If you are interested in speaking with me,
please contact the 3D Prostate Treatment Clinic. They will forward
my contact information to you. My most sincere hope is, this
information helps you.
Best regards,
Dr. John Kennedy
![](image/57.jpg) ![](image/71.JPG)
Contact way:
jkennedy1004@gmail.com .
Lins from NZ
I am Lins
and I have just finished a six week course of treatment with Dr.
Song at the 3D Urology Clinic in Xangtan. I am a company director
and have been self employed for most of my working like except for
stints in a multi-national related to bioscience and contract work
in the bio pharmaceutical field. I have been an active sports person
and a keen traveller with a sense for intrepid adventures. As well
as an avid fan of NZ backcountry activity I have made long haul
trekking sojourns, in the Himalayan, Karakouram and Hindu Kush
Mountain Ranges. I am in my early sixties
2012 I noticed a significant change in my health. Motivation, drive
and energy all seemed to “go out the window” and I struggled to make
the work day go beyond mid- afternoon. I experienced significant
sleep interruption ( what seemed like niggling bladder tension in
addition to toilet trips) ,aching joints, back pain, lack of focus,
and sometimes even a lack of purpose, coupled with a sense of doubt
regarding my self worth. I never realized at the time the true
effect my condition had on family, relationships and productivity. I
had always been proud of my health and fitness but now it seemed I
was on an unbelievable one-way slide to deterioration.
pestered me to get a rectal exam and PSA test. With regular PSA
readings ranging from 9-12, I opted for “watchful waiting” believing
that I could figure out a way to self-medicate but later with
increasingly persistent prostate discomfort especially on sitting
and pressure pain on one side of the gland some decisions had to be
made. Subsequent biopsy and MRI revealed a tumour that seemed to be
very hard, and occupying a significant portion of the entire 45 cm3
plus gland. I was under pressure to set a date for surgical removal.
By now the tumour was pushing up against the prostate capsule
causing significant pressure pain and the PSA readings were moving
up to 20.
Until now
I had tried a number of oral herbals, various teas, super
antioxidants, detoxification, other techniques, and even electo-
magnet therapy( PEMT). I could reduce the PSA by 25%, the prostate
volume by a little over approximately 15%. This would significantly
relive discomfort and reduce nocturnal toilet trips to one early in
the morning, but this relief seemed symptomatic only and somewhat
temporary. (I was later to find out from Dr Song and Dr Ivan at the
3D Urology Clinic in China that the prostate surface softness is
very critical. It seems some substances will reduce the prostate
size but create a hardened tissue surface or hard wrinkles that
greatly impair organ function.)
I was
very determined to avoid surgical removal and further research lead
my wife finding Dr Songs 3D Urology Clinic website.
The 3D
From the
website I made contact with Alisa Wang the Clinic Administrator and
Interpreter. Promptly she had the clinic review my clinical notes
and sent back to me the required documentation to enable application
for a visa. I would suggest a 90 day visa. Its timely to mention
here that the reason I committed a visit to the 3D Clinic was that I
had in the past a number of professional acquaintances who were
specialists in pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy and
biopharmaceutical manufacturing so I was aware of the significant
documented benefits of co administration of east/west medical
products in cancer treatment. In addition to this the 3D Clinic
website described a methodology that seemed a fresh approach and
entirely logical.
arrangements, arrival, hotel bookings and pickup were all easily
managed by Alisa. The whole process was very smooth. On arrival in
Xiangtan and soon after checking into the Hotel that was opposite
the Clinic building I accepted the offer to meet Dr Song and Dr Ivan
that afternoon at the clinic. There was a thorough consultation and
discussion of my prostate history with Dr Song, Dr Ivan and Alisa
present. Communication was not a problem and I was surprised that
whole atmosphere was very patient friendly. There was later a
thorough DRE and prostate fluid collection to be examined by the in
house lab. Before leaving that consultation I could view on the
computer, microscope slide samples of specific pathogens that had
infected my prostate.
extensive blood samples were taken at a nearby university hospital
to quantitatively determine specific virus, mycoplasma, bacteria,
parasites, and hormones in addition to ultrasonography on the
prostate region. This is used by the clinic to individualize your
treatment and more importantly allow Dr Song and his team to treat
the real cause of your condition.
After 3
days of targeted injections via the perineum into each lobe of the
prostate the pressure pain and discomfort was almost absent and by
the end of the sixth day absent altogether. In short after 6 week of
treatment of injections, intravenous drip and oral Chinese herbal
medicine Dr Song and the Clinic were able to break up and discharge
a very hard and large tumour that may have existed for over five
years. My collected urine samples showed extensive discharged
flocculation and sediment comprising of dead bacterial, tumour and
fibrous material.
MRI scans had shown that the prostate size had
returned to normal, prostate morphology was normalizing and a DRE
also revealed that the once hard prostate was now soft and much
smaller. I was delighted with a successful treatment and it all
seemed unbelievable!
reflection of this journey to treat my cancer I realized that Dr
Song and his team have a very smart approach to“treat the cause of
disease”and I sensed a strong desire from the clinic to produce a
real solution for each patient. The 3D Urology Clinic I felt uses a
unique treatment methodology that synergises with the natural
structure and function of the body, coupled with extensive
experience in diverse types of prostate disease, and a close
understanding of the pharmacology of co administration of specific
east/west medications. The treatment regime is such that precise
individualization for each patient is possible.
entire treatment process was always very professional yet relaxed.
At no time did I feel any hint of arrogance and the staff would
always attentively listen to you. As a result of the daily
consultations I became very knowledgeable about prostate anatomy and
my condition. Dr song and Dr Ivan were very forthcoming about all
aspects of my condition and how to heal smoothly, including diet,
help with local foods, exercises, and lifestyle changes all helping
to accelerate healing and strengthen immunity. The treatment process
was very much a partnership and I found keeping a daily diary of
diet, urine, stool, prostate feeling, general feeling and energy
level was essential to feedback to Dr Song to allow for precise and
effective treatment.
I have to
say I was very impressed with not only the personal skill of Dr Song
and Dr Ivan but the entire clinic. Needle insertion for IV drip
medication was the most comfortable I had ever experienced. The
clinic is clean and comfortable and has a sense of a “family”
atmosphere and you are welcomed to talk to other patents, drink nice
teas, and plug into the Wifi.
At all times during my stay in Xiangtan I found the local people to
be very polite, pround, happy and helpful and the local environment
lends itself to easy living and good recovery for patients.
I feel I
have been so lucky to experience quality, honest treatment that is
sincerely delivered by a team that is not only positioned at the
leading edge of prostate treatment but through dedication and effort
pushing the boundary to further improve patient outcomes. I have to
thank Dr. Song for his vision and the clinic team for their focused
The whole
prostate journey that I have been through and perhaps others who
experience Dr. Song and his 3D Urology Clinic I think is best summed
up by the following proverb. “Vision without action is a day dream.
Action without vision is a nightmare”.
Mr. Barry from Australia
Video Link:
Okay, hello
I come from
Australia, my name is Barry.
I was diagnosed
with a prostate cancer, stage three, stage four.
I didn't like
that idea so I've turned around and looked on the Internet and I
found the 3D prostrate cure, and I canceled the operation and
booked in to come over here three weeks later.
That's a very
good choice, so I'll tell you about some of my notes.
The treatment
starts with the examination.
They check for
having the safe health.
They check the
prostate, they take a seminal vestibule fluids and they also test
for cancer and bacteria.
That's the
first thing that they do.
We then have a
comprehensive blood test which is taken about as soon as we can,
they take everything.
And they also
see if we have any viruses in the blood to.. Wednesday.
If I had any
viruses, if they find any viruses we turn around and we go for
another test at the top virus clinic in China here.
They test up to
20 viruses, and which is part of the course of the cancers we have
in our body, and our body health.
Media, and if
we are found to have a virus we're then put down for a 15 day virus
drip, and lack how we base this two hours a day.
That will.. You
might have a mixture of viruses, you might have two, so you'll have
that drip going down for the 15 days and that will clean everything.
In the meantime
I'm having the prostate injections with the natural anti-cancer
serum with anti-virus and also bacteria, that is also fighting that
as well.
So I'm getting
that, a trickle made.
The daily
condition from your drip is monitored by the nurse, she looks after
you so there's no problem there and your condition is monitored
daily by Doctor Song.
Doctor song
evaluates every patient as they come, everybody is different, and he
will answer any questions that you need.
And one thing
he's getting is the rectal examination to check your prostates
because they cause lesions between the prostate and the bowel.
And he is now
already treating 10 people here, which have been cured for cancer of
those lesions.
One person had
their prostatectomy, but the leftover was cancer in one of those
lesions, another one was treated by Doctor Song earlier but there's
still some cancer in the lesions so that was treating him, and now
he's here again.
So he's taking
care of cancer both.
While I was
here I had 21 treatments.
I've actually,
yeah, had 21 treatments and went in for another MRI and with the MRI
it showed actually no signs of cancer, no signs of bacteria, so I'm
very very happy about it.
And there's no
side effects, well a little bit of side effects, it gets sore after
a while, there's always the lesions, it's okay.
The hardest
part is changing your diet, so you have to get off coffee and
alcohol, little seafood and things like that so.
The Doctor has
also made, Doctor Song's made some concoction of natural herbs,
medicinal herbs to help my body adjust with everything to set itself
down, and it will probably take, I mean, 6 months for my body to be
able to restore back to normal, but even if it is back to normal, my
prostate is back to normal, so it's..
I'm very happy
with this outcome.
Doctor Song
made great reign.
Lisa has been
very good, she communicates with us and also organizes everything,
and she does her best.
And Doctor Ivan
has been here for to grow the opportune, they both help together.
So I'm very to
have gone with the 3D treatment, very convenient, I would recommend
Thank you.
Carnell Jackson from USA
Self-introduction of Disease History
1. My name is Carnell Jackson, I live and reside in Lywood,
California since July 10th, 1977. I was diagnosed as having prostate
cancer during a biopsy in the United State on November 22nd, 2017.
By the Pathology report, my bladder was not completely being emptied
during my restroom urination visits. I was also discovered by my
urologist of having a tumor on my prostate.
2. Disease treatment and experience and treatment at our 3D Urology
The disease treatment during my 5 weeks was from March 2, 2018 until
April 5th, 2018 was the best treatment and a very exceptional
experience that I have received being evaluated and treated by Dr.
Song and Dr. Ivan and this professional staff. I was treated
successfully and
satisfied with the best professional care that was performed by Dr.
Song’s expertise at his 3D Urology Clinic.
3. My assessment towards the clinic was that the work place facility
that I observed on a regular work day was that the work areas and
facilities were very clean and orderly and operating in a very clean
and sanitary environment and very maintained inside and outside. I
also observed a sanitation professional cleaning lady and cleaning
this facility on regular daily operating bases. I also observed
other sanitation operating procedures washing and sanitizing hands
after each patient’s visit station.
4. My assessment towards Dr. Song and his staff being observed
during my observation; they were all very knowledgeable and very
professional in performing their assigned duties. They were all very
responsive and answered any of my questions that was provided by me.
The whole staff also responded to all of my needs and any other
issues that was asked outside of the 3D clinic etc; Lodging
transportation to and from the hospital facility, restaurants, etc.
I would honestly rate this facility as a five (5) star as they will
actually go the extra mile to help you and your daily activity
schedule. This facility has a pleasant home environment.
5. My assessment towards China is that the people of this country
has a very good hospitality and a very warm welcome, friendly and
respectable environment. The people even help me in our
communication and conversation via cell phone and text message
translation. I also observed employees cleaning the hotels, streets,
and other businesses on a daily basis during the week.
6. Things I want to say:
Dr. Song
and Dr. Ivan and their staff on my own words:
I can openly and honestly say that Dr. Song’s staff made me feel and
treated me like I am family member. I was very relaxed and
comfortable and I felt like I was home away from home. I’m wishing
Dr. Song and his family all the truly blessing and his 3D Urology
Clinic that God continues to provide and guide you through the
education and expertise and continuing exploring other medical
technology and experiences on prostate health on people from all
over the world. I want to sincerely thank you for your hard work,
dedication, professionalism and kindness.
Respectfully submitted,
Prosper Adamaley from Ghna
My name is Prosper
Adamaley, a businessman from Ghna. I have had BPH for the past 10
years. It all started in June 2017 when following a routine medical
check-up in Gastonia, North Carolina, USA, I was diagnosed with an
elevated PSA of 9.68. A biopsy followed in Houston, Texas whereupon
it was confirmed that the apex of my prostate gland had 10% tumor
with a Gleason score of 3+3=6. Frantically, I started looking
for cost effective treatment options. This led to a pop up
advertisement touching 3D Urology Clinic in Xiangtan, Hunan
Province, China. Details of the 3D procedures, treatment and costs
that I read on their website was impressive, realistic and natural.
without side effects. I returned to Ghana in August to acquire a
Chinese travel visa and arrived in Xiangtan on 20th November 2017.
The administration of my prostate treatment involved 2 injections a
day over 18 days directly into the prostate. 3D Urology Clinic gave
me a list of the natural plants, minerals and herbs that were used
to produce the injections. After the 3 weeks treatment, my prostate
tumor was effectively eliminated and I received natural anti-cancer
tea consignment, to be consumed over the next 60 days to consolidate
the treatment.
However,the past biopsy had triggered
bleeding, infection, and thrombosis in the prostate and enlarging it
from 107mm in July 2017 to 300mm in November 2017. By January, 2018,
it was 360mm, worsening to 440mm in March 2018. By 15, December,
2018, 3D Urology Clinic had recommended that I should undergo laser
surgery on the lower bladder and the prostate to remove all dead
tissues, stop the bleeding and repair the prostate and turn it to
acceptable and functional size. The clinic arranged for this to be
done by Professor Zheng at the Xiangtan Hospital.
The tentative date fixed
for the laser surgery was 10th March, 2018. After the prostate tumor
treatment, I returned to Ghana on 20th December, 2017, renewed my
visa and returned to Xiangtan on 9th March, 2018 in the company of
my wife, Elise; for the laser surgery.
First, blood tests and ultrasound were conducted on me to ascertain
that the prostate tumor was eliminated and all other health
parameters were sound. Next day I was admitted into the Xiangtan
Hospital on Sunday, 11th March, 2018, where the blood test and
ultrasound were repeated to double check previous results.
Professor Zheng decided to proceed with the laser surgery on 12th
March, 2018.
This Laser Surgery is considered a miracle for a number of reasons.
1. The organ that received the laser treatment was a post-cancer
2. At 440mm, it was the largest prostate ever operated in China and
perhaps in the whole world.
3. Contrary to normal development after this type of surgery, I did
not develop urinary incontinence. On the third day, once off the
saline water I urinated in the first instance by himself under
personal muscular control; thus eliminating the need for diaper
(usual for 3-6 months after such surgeries).
4. I am a black African who had travelled a total of 15000 miles
from Ghana to receive this intervention in Xiangtan, China.
5. No other complications have arisen after the surgery andI have
not been placed on any medications; only to drink 2500ml of water
per day as natural therapy.
The 3D Urology Clinic is compact, neat, and focused on prostate
desease cure. Their diagnosis and prognosis are based on modern
medical science, historical Chinese and Oriental medicine. All their
medical information is sincere, detailed, open and verifiable. Their
prostate treatment are patient specific, and they deal with all
ancillary ailments. Their medical personnel are highly qualified,
Chinese government certified, highly trained, professional in work
ethic and well connected in the Chinese medical system. Above all,
they are very patient, friendly, analytical, flexible, and
China harnesses 5000 years of civilization to become people centered
today, in the medical care. With specific reference to prostate
care, treatments are done so that there are no side effects. Chinese
are very friendly, good listeners, diligent, hard working and handle
people of all races equally and fairly.
I give praise and glory to God Almighty for grating me, the vision,
wisdom, resources and location to tackle and cure my serious life
threatening ailment. Next, my appreciation to the 3D Urology Clinic
of Xiangtan and her health gurus of Dr. Song Xinping, ,Dr Ivan Haoyu
and Adm. Assitant Alisa Wang, for their dedication, organizational
ability and thrust for my treatments. And to Professor Zheng and his
surgical team and nurses in Xiangtan Hospital my speechless awe at
their professionalism and superhuman health delivery to my person. I
hope that the experience resulting from my treatment will inure to
the advantage of similar patients in future.
Long live Xiangtan, long
live China.
Mr. Prosper Adamaley, Xiangtan China.23 March 2018.